Update Time: 2023-07-05 14:12:09.0
Hippo Cloud Phone is a cloud-based platform for controlling multiple Cloud Phones.
1. Group Control within the Same Group: Provides batch operations such as Cloud Phone synchronization, App start/stop, Cloud Phone Reboot, One-click HOME, Device Master, Enable/Disable ROOT, and Factory Reset.
2. Multi-Group Control: Supports batch operations across multiple groups, such as App start/stop, Cloud Phone Reboot, and Enable/Disable ROOT.
Key Features:
1. Cloud Phone Synchronization: During synchronization, you can directly operate the Cloud Phones even if there is some delay in displaying the screens. It is recommended to synchronize up to 100 Cloud Phones at a time to avoid potential lagging issues.
2. Batch App Start/Stop:
- [Current Group Operation]: Select apps within the current group and submit the command.
- [Multi-Group Operation]: When starting/stopping apps in a group, you can select other groups that also have the same app. Once selected, the start/stop app command will be executed on the selected groups.
3. Batch Reboot:
- [Current Group Operation]: Select apps within the current group and submit the command.
- [Multi-Group Operation]: Similar to app control, you can select multiple groups and execute the reboot command on the selected groups.
4. Enable/Disable ROOT permission:
- [Current Group Operation]: Select apps within the current group and submit the command.
- [Multi-Group Operation]: Similar to app control, you can select multiple groups and execute the ROOT permission command on the selected groups.
5. Batch Device Master:
- This feature currently applies only to the current group.
- [Switch Model]: Supports random or specified model switching.
- [Clean Data]: You can select apps that need data cleaning and execute it according to standard system paths/specified paths or perform strong data cleaning, and optionally restart the phones.
6. Batch Factory Reset:
- After a factory reset, the Cloud Phones will be restored to their initial state, and the model will remain the same.
7. One-Click HOME: